
Mozaina Pulaj, Albania

”I love the aim of Gausas Gyvenimas because it is about bringing happiness to people who are in need. Mental health significantly affects our lives, therefore it is important to talk about it. I find life to be an amazing gift from God filled with opportunities that are waiting for us. We have to keep …

Mozaina Pulaj, Albania Skaityti daugiau »

Anya Golik, Ukraine

“By sharing your thoughts and personal stories with others, you can help others to feel that they are not alone. Everyone goes through some personal struggles that seem to be too difficult. I believe that God gave us this life and all the blessings in it as well as tests that we face every day. …

Anya Golik, Ukraine Skaityti daugiau »

Karyna Karpishyna, Ukraine

“By sharing my own personal experience I hope to break the mental stigma and encourage others that it’s okay to ask for help. There are people who care for you. I joined GG because I believe that together we can break the chains- the lies saying that there is no hope… Regardless of what situation …

Karyna Karpishyna, Ukraine Skaityti daugiau »

Dr. Julija Gaiduk

Dr. Julija Gaiduk has been teaching Psychology at LCC International University since 2002. She has an MA in Counseling and a Ph.D in Counselor Education and Supervision from Regent University (VA, USA). Additionally, she has been counseling couples and individuals since 2013 and leading various trainings and seminars on family relationships in churches and NGOs. …

Dr. Julija Gaiduk Skaityti daugiau »

Becky Haas

Becky Haas is an internationally recognized expert on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) who raises awareness on reducing the effects of childhood abuse and adversity among communities. She pioneered work in northeast Tennessee that has received national recognition as a model other cities should follow resulting in an invitation to present to state leadership in Delaware …

Becky Haas Skaityti daugiau »

Aaron Quinonez

If you’ve been seeking personal growth, painfully dealing with PTS, desperately trying to strategize self-help, or know anyone who falls under these categories, Sgt Q can help you. Aaron Quinonez, most commonly known as Sgt Q, has become a man of many talents. After serving eight years in the Marines, he returned from Iraq to …

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LevelUp 2022

Šį savaitgalį su 20 aktyviausių jaunuolių iš Klaipėdos miesto atstovavome Lietuvai Europos jaunimo metams skirtame renginyje LeavelUp 2022 Briuselyje. Jaunimas dvi dienas turėjo galimybę dalyvauti įvairiuose mokymuose. 😎 Renginyje dalyvavo 1200 jaunuolių iš visos Europos. 🙏 Renginį pradėjo įkvepianti Europos Parlamento pirmininkės Robertos Metsolos kalba. 🥇Gausus Gyvenimas kolektyvas smagiai praleido laiką kartu ir pabendravo su …

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Būk Įkvėptas

Artėja dar vienas puikus renginys – lapkričio 3 dieną, ketvirtadienį, Aula Magna konferencijų salėje Studlende.Lance Constantine atvyksta iš Kanados, kad atliktų vienos dienos nemokamus interaktyvius mokymus apie pasitikėjimo savimi ugdymą, viešąjį kalbėjimą ir verslumą. PRIEŽASTYS, DĖL KURIŲ TURĖTUM DALYVAUTI: Pisijunk ir tu!

Positive Vibes 2022

Rugpjūčio 26 d. šį penktadienį Vilties miestas kartu su organizacija “Gausus gyvenimas” organizuoja renginį “Positive Vibes 2022”. (Savanorių 4, Klaipeda) Kurio tikslas pabrėžti emocinės sveikatos svarbą. Renginio metu jūsų lauks kava, koncertas,diskusija apie emocinę sveikatą bei organizacijų/pagalbos linijų dirbančių su savižudybių prevencija ir emocinės sveikatos gerinimu mugė. Paspausk “Going” mygtuką ir susitiksime renginyje.

Healing Thru Service

It happened! Last weekend we had a blast meeting Aaron Quinonez from QMissions and learning about Healing Thru Service! High schoolers, students, volunteers, and social workers came together to grow together and be equipped to help others! It was a joy and privilege to be together with like-minded people. Thank you our partners Klaipeda – …

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